Looking to grow your B2B Accounting or Technology firm in 2025?
Whether it be through new market entry, developing new services and solutions, client acquisition or expansion, here are 5 books I recommend to empower you and your teams to succeed in 2025.
How Clients Buy: A Practical Guide for Business Development for Consulting and Professional Services by Tom McMakin and Doug Fletcher.
In this book, McMaKin and Fletcher provide an action-oriented guide to selling professional services. Unlike other resources that focus on use of common lead generation tactics, this book goes dep into how Professional Services are different and then provides techniques that are aligned to how buyers of professional buyers behave which has evolved significantly over the past few years.
Nearbound and the Rise of the Who Economy by Jared Fuller and Jill Rowley.
This book details the transformation that has occurred in B2B buyer behaviour in which the key question has changed from “HowCan I Solve this Problem?” to Who Can Help Me Solve this Problem?
To empower B2B firms to adopt and respond, Fuller and Rowley discuss Nearbound, a business strategy that connects B2B sellers to buyers through networks of partnerships and relationships that surrounds those buyers.
Ironwill 360 Leadership: Moving Forward by Douglas Pflug.
This book dives into the future of leadership in 2025 and beyond by detailing 12 game changing trends from mastering Digital Mindness to Purpose-Driven Leadership.
Ironwill is an incredible template for Small and Medium businesses (SMBs) to empower us as we must continually innovate to both maintain relevancy as well as drive business growth.
Listen Innovate Grow: The Book
Yes, I confess a Shameless plug!
Written exclusively for SMEs and start-ups , the book covers essential B2B topics pertaining to driving business growth such as:
- Identify the industries, markets and business customers they should focus on
- Create products, services and solutions that business customers want to buy
- Achieve sustainable, profitable growth
To get your free download chapter, click here.
Executive Engagement Strategies: How To Have Conversations and Develop Relationships That Build B2B Business by Bev Burgess
Executive Engagement Strategies provides a clear process to capture the attention of C-Suite executives and keep them engaged throughout the often lengthy and complexed buying process.
The book is filled with Case studies, profiles of executive buyer personas as well as practical but strategic approaches.
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