As SME leaders look for ways to grow and position businesses for sustainable growth into 2021, identifying and executing a strong product development strategy is an often overlooked but critical consideration.
Buyer Enablement: Making B2B Sales Easier
When your company seeks B2B sales growth, this activity needs to be a key focus: Make it as easy as possible for clients to buy from you.
Driving Recovery & Growth With Strategic Customer Workshops
Are your plans for the recovery and growth of your business into 2021 lagging? Find out how to give things a kickstart with strategic customer workshops.
Virtual Selling: Your key to driving your B2B restart, recovery and growth!
Traditional B2B engagement points such as trade shows and conferences are, for the time being at least, no longer practical. It’s time to embrace Virtual Selling.
Positioning Your Tech Company for Recovery and Growth in 2021 and Beyond!
As your technology company resumes business, and with 2021 quickly approaching, it’s time to begin planning how you will now move forward.
The 3 Secrets to Making B2B Technology Buyers Buy in the “New Norm”
Entering the second half of the year, technology buyers are looking to restart and rebuild their business. Here are 3 practical ways to enable them to do so.
3 Trends That Will Define Your SME’s Rebound
Your SME has survived the last 5 months of the pandemic. Check these 3 trends you now need to consider to once again start acquiring clients, driving sales and powering your recovery.
Moving Forward: Generating B2B Sales In The “New Norm”
As economies look to begin moving forward, it’s time for SMEs to address the task of how they start generating B2B sales and raising revenues to re-ignite their businesses.
LIG Book Review: Buyer Centered Selling
“Buyer Centered Selling” is a must-read, one-stop comprehensive playbook for B2B marketing and sales professionals. Read our book review here
Why Customer Experience Is Essential To SME Business Recovery & Growth
Discover why creating an effective customer experience (CX) will be critical to the success of SMEs in terms of recovery, sustainability and profitability.
The 3R’s & The Road to B2B Preservation, Prosperity and Growth in the “New Normal”
Breaking down a recent McKinsey & Company article, we look at 3 strategies business leaders can begin implementing to kickoff a recovery from the pandemic.
Maintaining & Strengthening Client Relationships In Times Of Crisis
In today’s turbulent business environments, what can SMEs do to maintain and strengthen their client relationships? Here are 3 practical strategies you can implement.